TESS Science Conference III

July 29 - August 2, 2024, MIT / Cambridge, USA


Posters will be viewed online using the following platforms:


A virtual 2D environment ran on a web browser or a desktop app, using graphics that is reminiscent of 1990’s video games. In Gather.Town attendees walk around in the virtual environment using an avatar, and interact using audio and video with others whose avatar is nearby. This platform is quickly gaining popularity as it is easy to use and mimics well the real life experience of walking around and bumping into colleagues. This virtual environment will be available throughout the conference week, and there will be two dedicated virtual poster sessions. A brief introduction to Gather.Town is shown in this video.

Zenodo Collection

An online free repository which will host all posters. It is searchable using keywords including author's name, and will stay available after the conference ends. After the conference, posters uploaded to Zenodo will be indexed by ADS.

Conference website

Posters will be listed on the conference website, which will include links to the poster on Zenodo, and/or, to a poster-looking website created by the authors. That website can host an interactive poster, e.g. have interactive figures. The organizers encourage poster presenters to take advantage of the opportunity of the conference being online to make interactive posters.

Instructions for uploading posters to Gather.Town, Zenodo, and the conference website will be posted here ahead of the conference.