Conference LogoTESS Science Conference III

July 29 - August 2, 2024, MIT / Cambridge, USA

List of Attendees

  • Elisabeth Adams - Planetary Science Institute
  • Conny Aerts - KU Leuven
  • Bob Aloisi - University of Wisconsin - Madison
  • Kimberly Armas - MIT
  • David Armstrong - University of Warwick
  • Jeroen Audenaert - MIT
  • Jenny Baek - MIT
  • Madyson Barber - UNC Chapel Hill
  • Malia Barker - Boise State University
  • Daniel Bayliss - University of Warwick
  • Juliette Becker - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Charles Beichman - NExScI/IPAC
  • Keaton Bell - CUNY Queens College
  • Earl Bellinger - Yale University
  • Paul Benni - Acton Sky Portal
  • Allyson Bieryla - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Luke Bouma - Caltech
  • Madison Brady - University of Chicago
  • W.J. Brennom - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
  • David Brown - University of Warwick
  • Matthew Burleigh - University of Leicester
  • Helena Buschermohle - Tufts University
  • Derek Buzasi - Florida Gulf Coast University
  • Douglas Caldwell - SETI Institute
  • Lyra Cao - Vanderbilt University
  • Theron Carmichael - University of Hawai'i
  • Ben Cassese - Columbia University
  • Ashley Chontos - Princeton University
  • Sam Christian - MIT
  • Jessie Christiansen - Caltech/IPAC
  • David Ciardi - Caltech / IPAC
  • Catherine Clark - NASA JPL, Caltech/IPAC
  • Ann Marie Cody - SETI Institute
  • Karen Collins - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Isabel Colman - American Museum of Natural History
  • Knicole Colon - NASA - GSFC
  • Jason Curtis - Columbia University
  • Anne Dattilo - UC Santa Cruz
  • Ben Davies - University of Warwick
  • Tansu Daylan - Washington University in St. Louis
  • Zoë De Beurs - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Shishir Dholakia - University of Southern Queensland
  • Ryne Dingler - Texas A&M University
  • Adam Distler - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Victoria Ditomasso - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • John Doty - Noqsi Aerospace Ltd.
  • Lauren Doyle - University of Warwick
  • Diana Dragomir - University of New Mexico
  • Emma Dugan - Indiana University
  • Jason Eastman - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Billy Edwards - SRON, Netherlands Institute for Space Research
  • Fintan Eeles-Nolle - University of Warwick
  • Ernesto Elenter - UDELAR
  • Yoshi Eschen - University of Warwick
  • Ekrem M. Esmer - Washington University in St. Louis
  • Catherine Espaillat - Boston University
  • Zahra Essack - The University of New Mexico
  • Tyler Fairnington - University of Southern Queensland
  • Michael Fausnaugh - Texas Tech University
  • Eric Feigelson - Penn State University
  • Dax Feliz - American Museum of Natural History
  • Rachel Fernandes - Pennsylvania State University
  • Tara Fetherolf - University of California, Riverside
  • Scott Fisher - University of Oregon
  • Luke Fitzgerald - MIT
  • Dilhan Flores - Dartmouth College
  • William Fong - MIT Kavli
  • Akihiko Fukui - The University of Tokyo
  • Yadira Gaibor - MIT
  • Rafael A. Garcia - Astrophysics Department CEA/Saclay
  • Lionel Garcia - Flatiron Institute
  • Aylin Garcia Soto - Dartmouth College
  • Dawn Gelino - NASA Exoplanet Science Institute, IPAC/Caltech
  • Steven Giacalone - Caltech
  • Emily Gilbert - NASA/JPL
  • Samuel Gill - University of Warwick
  • Ana Glidden - MIT
  • Benjamin Gordon - Tufts University
  • Paul Gregory - MIT
  • Michael Greklek-Mckeon - Caltech
  • Samuel Grunblatt - Johns Hopkins University
  • Te Han - University of California, Irvine
  • Mallory Harris - University of New Mexico
  • Jack Haviland - MIT
  • Christina Hedges - NASA GSFC/University of Maryland Baltimore County
  • JJ Hermes - Boston University
  • Katharine Hesse - MIT
  • Daniel Hey - University of Hawaii
  • Marc Hon - MIT
  • Ben Hord - NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Nikoo Hosseininejad - CUNY
  • Rebekah Hounsell - UMBC/NASA GSFC
  • Ward Howard - University of Colorado Boulder
  • Xinyan Hua - Department of Astronomy, Tsinghua University
  • Daniel Huber - University of Hawaii & University of Sydney
  • Kai Ikuta - The University of Tokyo
  • Jonathan Jackson - Wesleyan University
  • Brian Jackson - Boise State University
  • Hannah Jang-Condell - NASA Headquarters
  • Rahul Jayaraman - MIT Kavli Institute
  • Jon Jenkins - NASA AMES
  • Sydney Jenkins - MIT
  • Petr Kabath - AStronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences
  • Yuto Kajikiya - Tokyo Institute of Technology
  • Stephen Kane - University of California, Riverside
  • Preethi Karpoor - University of California San Diego
  • Nobuyuki Kawai - RIKEN/Tokyo Tech
  • Alicia Kendall - University of Leicester
  • Geza Kovacs - Konkoly Observatory, Budapest, Hungary
  • Michelle Kunimoto - University of British Columbia
  • Marina Lafarga Magro - University of Warwick
  • Emma Lane-Smith - MIT Kavli Institute
  • David Latham - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Canis Li - Valley Christian High School
  • Zitao Lin - Tsinghua University
  • Christopher Lindsay - Yale University
  • Katherine Linnenkohl - University of Oregon
  • John Livingston - Astrobiology Center / National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
  • Isobel Lockley - University of Warwick
  • Andrés Luengo - Yale University
  • Joseph Lupo - MIT
  • Linhao Ma - Princeton University
  • Alexandra Mahajan - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Kiran Maharaj - Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • Eric Mamajek - NASA/JPL
  • Christopher Mann - NRC Herzberg
  • David Martin - Tufts University
  • Savita Mathur - Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
  • Elizabeth Melton - Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
  • Sarah Millholland - MIT
  • Marcelo Mimica - Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medicine
  • Owen Mitchem - University of Oregon
  • Tibor Mitnyan - Baja Astronomical Observatory of University of Szeged, Hungary
  • Paul Mooney - Intune.Network
  • Ed Morgan - MIT
  • Mayuko Mori - Astrobiology Center / NAOJ
  • Gijs Mulders - UAI, Santiago, Chile
  • Mohamed Jassim Munavar Hussain - Reed College
  • Daniel Muthukrishna - MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research
  • Harshitha Mysore Parashivamurthy - University of Chile
  • Emma Nabbie - University of Southern Queensland
  • Domenico Nardiello - Università degli Studi di Padova
  • Isaac Narrett - MIT
  • Jack Nelson - Dartmouth College
  • Elisabeth Newton - Dartmouth College
  • Annabelle Niblett - Dartmouth College
  • Prajwal Niraula - MIT
  • Masafumi Niwano - Tokyo Tech
  • Eoin O’Connor - University of York
  • Dominic Oddo - University of New Mexico
  • Aviv Ofir - Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Bisi Bernard Ogunwale - Ariel University, Israel
  • Joel Ong - Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
  • Hugh Osborn - University of Bern
  • Emma Page - Lehigh University
  • Andras Pal - Konkoly Observatory
  • Ilaria Pascucci - University of Arizona
  • Andrew Pellegrino - Penn State University
  • Joshua Pepper - NASA HQ
  • Glen Petitpas - MIT
  • Marc Pinsonneault - Ohio State University, Dept. of Astronomy
  • Giampaolo Piotto - Universita' di Padova
  • Anthony Piro - Carnegie Observatories
  • Alex Polanski - University of Kansas
  • Tyler Pritchard - University of Maryland College Park / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • Lauren Pritchard - MIT
  • Samuel Quinn Quinn - Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Benjamin Rackham - MIT
  • Brandon Radzom - Indiana University
  • Rayna Rampalli - Dartmouth College
  • David Rapetti - USRA/NASA Ames
  • Howard Relles - Harvard-Smithsonian CfA
  • Armin Rest - STScI
  • Malena Rice - Yale University
  • George Ricker - MIT
  • Toby Rodel - Queen’s University Belfast
  • Romy Rodriguez - Harvard
  • Joey Rodriguez - Michigan State University
  • Antonia Romm - MIT
  • Dominick Rowan - The Ohio State University
  • Pierre-Alexis Roy - Université de Montréal
  • Alexander Rudat - MIT Kavli Institute
  • Nikita Saini - University of Maine
  • Mrinmoy Sarkar - Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
  • Nicholas Saunders - University of Hawaii
  • Nicole Schanche - NASA GSFC/ CRESST-II UMD
  • Jack Schulte - Michigan State University
  • Richard (Rick) Schwarz - CfA
  • Sara Seager - MIT
  • Lizhou Sha - University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Benjamin Shappee - University of Hawaii
  • Julia Sheffler - University of Wisconsin Madison
  • Avi Shporer - MIT
  • Vikash Singh - INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania
  • Kirill Sokolovskii - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
  • Rebecca Spejcher - Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Gregor Srdoc - Kotizarovci observatory, Croatia
  • Chrizestom Ssebaggala - Mbarara university of science and Technology
  • Dennis Stello - UNSW-Sydney
  • Chris Stockdale - Hazelwood Observatory
  • Stephanie Striegel - SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center
  • Jan Subjak - Center for Astrophysics l Harvard & Smithsonian
  • Nora Takacs - Konkoly Observatory
  • Yao Tang - UC Santa Cruz
  • Jiaxin Tang - Tsinghua University
  • Huanyu Teng - Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
  • Johanna Teske - Carnegie Earth & Planets Lab
  • Chanita Tubthong - Tufts University
  • Amy Tuson - UMBC/NASA GSFC
  • Joseph Twicken - SETI Institute/NASA Ames Research Center
  • Murat Uzundag - KU Leuven
  • Sydney Vach - University of Southern Queensland
  • Andrew Vanderburg - MIT
  • Roland Vanderspek - MIT
  • Vincent Vanlaer - Institute of Astronomy, KU Leuven
  • Alexander Venner - University of Southern Queensland
  • Javier Viana - MIT
  • Jesus Noel Villasenor - MKI
  • Alexandr Volvach - Radio Astronomy LAboratory of CRAO
  • Noah Vowell - Michigan State University
  • Tobin Wainer - University of Washington
  • Mutian Wang - Nanjing University
  • Qinan Wang - Johns Hopkins University
  • Gavin Wang - Johns Hopkins University
  • Sharon X. Wang - Tsinghua University
  • Xianyu Wang - Indiana University
  • Cristilyn Watkins - Center for Astrophysics
  • Nathan Whitsett - Washington University in St. Louis
  • Francis Wilkin - Union College
  • Joshua Winn - Princeton University
  • Rob Wittenmyer - University of Southern Queensland
  • Angie Wolfgang - Eureka Scientific, Inc
  • Deborah Woods - MIT Lincoln Laboratory
  • Nayanika Yellepeddi - MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics & Space Research
  • Li Zeng - Harvard University, Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences
  • Jingwen Zhang - University of Hawaii
  • Yuchen Zhang - Institute for Astronomy, University of Hawai'i

Last updated July 17th